An experimental project that allows students affected by serious illnesses to “stay in class” thanks to digital technologies, with benefits for both their learning achievements and their psychological condition

In 2015, Fondazione Agnelli launched the Scuola in Ospedale Integrata project (Integrated Hospital School) in collaboration with the Piedmont Regional Education Office and the Onco-hematology ward of Regina Margherita Pediatric Hospital in Turin.

For long-term sick students who cannot go to school for extended periods due to their illness, the project favours and creates the conditions for an online connection with the classroom – both from the hospital and from home. This allows the young patients to follow activities remotely, and maintain as much as possible a relationship with their classmates and teachers.

The project helps students keep the horizon of their life and their human and social relationships – starting from those at school – as wide as possible, so their days don’t come down to a taxing routine of therapy alone. We strive to favour integration, collaboration and the coordination of all the people and didactic resources involved, to create a custom and inclusive programme for the student, supporting education continuity as well as a return to wellbeing in a broader sense.

Fondazione Agnelli:

– provides the student with the necessary technological equipment for free;

– supports the school in finding the best solution to create a connection;

– contributes to making the integrated network more effective for the student (hospital teachers, school, family, doctors).

Since 2015, over 60 students coming from primary, junior secondary and secondary schools in Piedmont have taken part in the project, most (but not all) of them affected by oncological diseases.